Blog Posts

Answering the question, Why?

I have been beyond ecstatic with all the positive response I have received from my podcast so far, and for the past month, I have received a lot of questions; the majority of which start with the word why. Why did I start a podcast? Why am I putting myself out there as a bruja? Why am I a bruja? All fair questions, so I decided that the best way to answer these is to write about it.

Why did I start a podcast?

I created my podcast as a way to connect with other witches as we continue to stay in isolation. To be perfectly honest, I had never really joined a witch community previously; being a witch where I grew up was not really something that was discussed or openly admitted. I did not have a community of witches to go to or to talk to, to ask advice of until recently and I do not want that to be the case for myself or anyone else any longer. There is a way to be a solitary practitioner and involve yourself with the witchcraft community simultaneously. While I am fully aware of other witch podcasts out there, my goal was to create something comfortable, a place where conversations were open and honest, like the conversations you can have with friends around a bonfire. The goal has been to create a safe and loving environment for witches to learn and grow together, a place where magic is a daily habit and I feel as though I am on track.

Why am I putting myself out there as a bruja?

Well, I mean it is not really something I have ever really hidden about myself but I also do not go around introducing myself as Kira the Bruja...but I might start! Exposing myself as a witch on a large scale like this was not in my thought process, which I am aware sounds absurd. My goal was to join the global community of witches and brujas and to create a life that I am proud of. That being said, I know that there are people in my life, some who have known me for years, who are going to “discover” this information about me but as previously mentioned this is not really something I have ever hidden about myself. My home has aspects of witchcraft everywhere from the witches bells on my front door to my nook in my bedroom which has witch decor everywhere. If there is anyone who gets upset or angered by this sudden revelation, it is not my concern; my concern is to be true to myself, to love my life and to do so unapologetically.

So why am I a bruja?

The most simplistic answer is to say that traditionally organized religions do not appeal to me and they never have. But the truth of the matter is that while that information is true, it is not the entire answer.

I know that I, as a person, have energy. Witches and brujas use that energy, their personal energy that flows through them and they use the energy of the world around them to create be it positive or in some cases negative but that energy is vital. I as a bruja understand that I have a power within me and it is my choice how I use it. For me, religions remove that choice and instead teach obedience and that does not work. I refuse to give my personal power and energy to anyone or anything to be used as a means to control how and what I do with my life. How I live my life is my choice and being a Bruja reinforces that choice daily. I choose to practice daily little rituals, I choose to see the magic and beauty of the world that surrounds me and I choose to honor and be respectful of others, even when we do not agree. I also choose to not allow anyone to tell me what to think or to do, I am intelligent enough to make my own informed decisions.

I was born a Bruja, and I choose to honor that and live a magic life. At one point in time I chose to resist and ignore who I am and it brought me nothing but misery.

I am a Bruja, always have been and always will be.

Craft a Bewitching LifeStyle

The above sentence may seem slight absurd when initially spoken; you could even ask what does it mean?

By definition craft means to create, bewitching is defined as enchanting or delightful and a lifestyle is the way a person or group lives. So by the definitions I am saying to create a delightful way of life.

Craft a bewitching lifestyle has become my mantra throughout this year. My daily reminder to add magic to my life through little habits and rituals, to continue to work on visualizing my goals, and making sure that everything I do regarding the Bonfire Bruja podcast and social media is living up to those words. Do I hit the nail on the head every time? No, of course not, this is all a work in progress. But reminding myself of my mantra helps me to enjoy the learning process that comes with creating a podcast and social media platforms that much more.

This leads to the question: How does one craft a bewitching lifestyle? To be honest, this can be accomplished through multiple avenues, but for me it means to work on my daily magic habits; something as simple as meditation, or stirring my coffee clockwise to bring the things I seek to me, immersing myself in things that delight all 5 of my sense. To make everyday beautiful and magical in my own way.

To craft a bewitching lifestyle is also the driving force behind my desire to help other witches from new witches looking for guidance to established witches who feel as though they are in a rut. I want to be of assistance to others, to help them learn and grow in their own power.

With that said my friends, craft a bewitching lifestyle, embrace your inner boss witch and if you are in need of assistance finding your inner boss witch I would be honored to coach you through.